Hawaii has only one specialized burn unit ... a neighbor when she told his brother to stop launching illegal fireworks in a show that lasted from 5:30 p.m. on New Year's Eve until after midnight.
HALAWA, Hawaii (KHON2) — Hundreds upon hundreds of pounds of illegal fireworks were turned in to ... they’re the same shells that they use at a Hilton show. So the professional grade shells ...
The number of fireworks-­related injuries in Hawaii has steadily risen over the past decade and a half, reaching a 15-year high over the latest New Year’s holiday, according to updated ...
HONOLULU (KHON2) — In an effort to combat the ongoing issue of illegal fireworks in Hawaii, lawmakers are advancing several bills aimed at curbing the problem. One bill would provide funding for ...
The moves this week in the Senate show how dramatically the politics of policing fireworks changed after an explosion at a neighborhood fireworks display on New Year’s Eve left six dead.
HONOLULU (AP) — Some wounds suffered by six Hawaii residents flown to Arizona for medical treatment after a deadly illegal fireworks explosion on New Year’s are comparable to battlefield ...
The Aliamanu explosion on New Year’s Day has become Hawaii’s deadliest fireworks-related incident, surpassing a bunker explosion that killed five people. A damaged vehicle from that blast is ...
Hawaii Lawmakers Seek Tougher Fireworks Enforcement ... The moves this week in the Senate show how dramatically the politics of policing fireworks changed after an explosion at a neighborhood ...
Preventing injuries Hawaii’s annual numbers on fireworks injuries seemed to drop dramatically in 2011-2012, when they reached a low of just 23 after a stricter permitting system was implemented ...