Under the enchanting glow of the Eiffel Tower, global pop sensation Dua Lipa and her fiancé Callum captured hearts with a ...
The couple enjoyed their time in the City of Love, sharing a magical moment as they danced under the Eiffel Tower.
For some people, Valentine's Day, instead of being about romantic notes and candlelit dinners, gets limited to a half-eaten bag of chips and the existential fear of being lonely for another year.
Under the Sea is the name of the first immersive restaurant in Paris. An unusual and affordable concept dreamed up by the ...
Dua Lipa and her fiance Callum Turner have been spotted packing on the PDA in the world-famous city of love. In what marks ...
Kings Dominion has kept a portion of the park open during December, draped the Eiffel Tower with Christmas lights and offered ...
Dua Lipa and Callum Turner have a picture-perfect romance! On Wednesday, January 28, a video of the pop star, 29, and the ...
Dua Lipa and her boyfriend, Callum Turner, confirmed romance rumours with their first PDA-packed date night in Paris.The ...
We celebrate and bemoan the building projects of the Millennium. Which were the joys, and which were the duds?